We Are Open and Ready To Assist You

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(812) 277-9626
Fax: (812) 541-1532

Office Location

1490 W Main Street
Mitchell, IN 47446                                Enter at Door #4                                    (Back of the building)

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Welcome to SICIL (pronounced "SICK-uhl")

We are a center for independent living that provides nonresidential service.

SICIL provides persons with disabilities the tools to set and accomplish their own goals. 

SICIL provides the community with the information and knowledge necessary to ensure the acceptance, respect, and inclusion of everyone.

The result is that the community is enriched through the full participation of all people.

Independent Living Services provided by SICIL are FREE of charge to people with all types of disability regardless of their age. Our service area includes Bartholomew, Brown, Crawford, Jackson, Lawrence, Monroe, Orange and Washington counties in Indiana.


What Do We Do?

EMPOWER all people living with disabilities regardless of age to find resources/services to live independently in the community.


Independent Living Program and Public Health Program


Step 1 - 

We prefer, when possible, to speak directly to the individual requesting or needing services. It is their voice and choices.  

Someone in our office will ask some questions about contact information, benefits, income, disability and what you what type of assistance is needed. 

This is then entered into our confidential database program and assigned to an Independent Living Advocate.


Step 2 -

The Independent Living Advocate will contact you to set up a meeting at the office, your home, or another location as agreed.

During this meeting an Independent Living Plan (ILP) will be completed. Goal setting is a large part of this process.  The goals are set by you for your independence in the community.

SICIL will assist you in meeting these goals, offer a referral / resources to contact other organizations/providers.  We will also assist in advocating with these organizations with you.


Step 3 - 

Upon completion of goals the consumer will have the opportunity to evaluate the quality of services received from SICIL. 

You will be contacted by phone and asked about 10 quick questions.  Your responses help us in planning new programs or improvements in our program.


Peer support is essential to the Independent Living philosophy and overall approach to service delivery. Most of our staff are people with disabilities who work with our consumers to explore options and solve problems. Because of their own experiences, staff and other consumers provide unique and creative ideas to others living with disabilities as well as true peer support.

The purpose of the service is for peers to share and provide practical, real life solutions to everyday problems encountered as a result of a disability.

VIBE - Visually Impaired Blind Experience

VIBE (Visually Impaired Blind Experience) works with people who are visually impaired and blind to maintain and remain independent in their own environments. Staff work to identify and overcome barriers through supports from assistive technology, peer counseling, community programs, and more.

Assistive technology often enables people with disabilities to perform personal, work recreational and social functions that would otherwise not be possible. Individuals can acquire some items through SICIL based on grant funding and eligibility.


SICIL offers guidance and solutions for a variety of basic living skills to people who are experiencing independent living for the first time, adapting to a new disability or adjusting to change.  This can range from assisting in making home accessible for your disability, helping with a budget, guidance in cooking to learning to shop with technology.

Our Independent Living advocates will work with you in your own environment to set and achieve your personal goals.

Governor's Council For People With Disabilities

Statewide Independent Living Council

Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority

Fair Housing Center

State Health Insurance Assistance Programs

FINDER: Indiana Disability Resource

The Solutions Center

Living Well Home Care